What is it?!

Welcome to whatsongshouldising.com – the brainchild (or hare-brained scheme) of New York theatre and opera director, Michael Unger (creator of www.auditionconnection.com).  Michael has extensive experience teaching musical theatre audition classes and saw the need for this site.

Let’s make one thing absolutely clear.  This is NOT a site where you will find sheet music for your audition songs.  This site is for exactly its namesake: What Song Should I (You) Sing?  We find TITLES of songs that match your criteria.  Then you can use the resources available to you (library, internet, etc.) to locate your new material.  We are a database of thousands of songs.  You are a person who needs to find just a few of those that are right for you.  What a perfect match!

Here’s how it works.  You register with us and also confirm that you have a PayPal account.  You enter all of the songs you currently have in your audition book into your “Online Audition Book” page on our site.  That way, you are not charged for a song title you already know.  Then, when you’re ready to search for song titles, you enter a set of criteria such as vocal range, type of song, vocal type, age range, era – or you can search single composers – basically, any type of search you can think of – then you enter how many titles you’d like returned. The songs we find for you are automatically added to your "Online Audition Book." You can sort your “Online Audition Book” any way you wish: by composer, by year, by song type, personal preference, etc.

When you first register with us, you pay $10 in exchange for your first 15 titles.  After that, you pay only $1 per title. For every person that you recommend to our site, you get two free titles.  You must tell your friends to enter the email address we have on file for you in the "Friend" field of their registration form to get these credits.

That’s it.  Best of luck and let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Email Michael at: mu@ungerdirect.com